This pandemic might be able to take away our live performances and shows, but it cannot keep us from doing what we love and advancing our career. Since we have so much extra time on our hands, let's get ahead of the game!
Create a website

Having a website gives you a huge leg up in the industry and with a new online audition process, it is almost essential. It doesn't have to be anything fancy- just something to showcase your best work. I recommend using Wix because I have found it to be the easiest to navigate as a beginner. Wordpress is another good site to use for web designing. The most important pages to include are About, Resume, Media, and Contact.
2. Build Your Rep Book
Make sure your repertoire is diverse and you have a connection to every single song. I cannot tell you how many times I looked through my book and came across pieces I dreaded singing. Get the clutter out and replace it with pieces that get you excited to sing. Sometimes casting directors will ask what other pieces you have in your book and you have to be able to give them options. Be prepared with anything from Golden Age, to Contemporary Musical Theatre, to Pop songs off the radio. I highly recommend checking out and for new pieces to spice up your book!
3. Update Your Resume

Quarantine gives us the perfect time to reflect on all the projects and people we have worked with since we last touched our resume. It is also the perfect time to simplify the message we want to say. The biggest issue I see in many resumes is redundancy. Unnecessary words bring the attention away from what is most important. It is okay if your resume isn't super long especially if you are just starting out because college professors and casting directors understand that. Contact me and set up an appointment to revise your performance resume.
4. Make Video Reels

Reels are one of the most important aspects of the new era of casting because they help get you in the door (especially if you don't have an agent!). If you do not good videos you can use, simply set up your smartphone, stand in front of a blank wall and sing a song or monologue that suits you. As long as you have basic iMovie skills, you should be set to make a solid reel. If not, hire a freelance video editor on Fiverr! It is helpful to have a vocal reel, acting reel, and dance/movement reel at your disposal.
5. Practice SELF CARE
It is totally okay to take a break during this time relax. While you might feel pressure from others to keep going all the time, it is necessary that you get time to yourself. And even though you might just be listening to music or watching Netflix to unwind, you are sub-consciously observing incredibly talented singers/actors. Get lots of sleep and appreciate the extra time you get with your loved ones.
6. Take Virtual Lessons and Classes

Now is the perfect time to hone in on your skills and take lessons from the comfort of your home! Study with me at The Smart Singer Studio if you would like to turn your love for singing into a career. I have also really appreciated the free dance classes that are available on the LaDuca Shoes' IGTV. There are also many other dancers that are giving free donation based classes. There are also many virtual classes being given through The Growing Studio where you can meet with Casting Directors and Agents to build your network and skillset.