As many of us know, college can be very expensive and if you are going for music, it can be hard to make that money back after graduation. Even saving a couple thousand dollars on your education can prevent a lot of stress down the line.

There are many well funded music schools that give you no need to go into severe debt after you leave. Head over to the internet to sift through thousands of schools around the country that give merit scholarships either through a separate application or simply through your application to the school. Don't restrict yourselves to the cheaper public colleges because sometimes the expensive private schools give scholarships that make it public school tuition or even less.
2. Show Interest
Colleges do not want to award scholarships to people they don't think will attend because sometimes they cannot award that scholarship to another person. Sending an email of your work to a professor or setting up a trial lesson or meeting can go a long way. Once the pandemic is over, scheduling a visit in person can increase your odds of getting a scholarship. Admissions keeps track of who books campus tours and shows up at their college fairs so it is important to get your name out there.
3. Negotiate

After you get the financial aid package from a school, don't be afraid to negotiate and ask for more money in a professional way. Sometimes music schools have unused funds that they would be able to award if you simply ask. There are also work study jobs within music schools that supplement your scholarship. If you can negotiate in person, that is much more effective.
Book a College Prep session through The Smart Singer to give you a better chance at that scholarship to your dream school!